Nice of you to be looking at my blog!
I’d like to provide some short information about myself, so you can see who you are dealing with: I’m Daniel, in my mid-20s, a social science student in Berlin and (bet you guessed that by now): a huge outdoorfan.
Living the bike-life 😉
Inspiration and Hiking Trips
Surprisingly the whole outdoor-bug only bit me a few years ago. Browsing a photography forum I found images a photographer had taken in Sweden’s most remote national park – Sarek. The tranquillity, the remoteness and the stark contrast of wild landscape and a colourful tent erected in absolute loneliness, gave me an inkling of how great the trekking life could be.
About half a year after having seen those images, I was off on my first solo-hike in Israel. Many travels have followed since and are documented in this blog. They can be found in the dropdown-menu.
Bike Travels
As a move to Berlin fuelled my daily mileage I spend on a bike, I decided to give bike-touring a try too. In 2015 I biked from Berlin to Usedom, an island on Germanys coast to the Baltic sea. Being a 300 km bike-ride didn’t make it an especially long tour, but boy was I hooked. 2016 proved especially productive on the two-wheeled excursions with 3 long-distance trips and numerous short-distance tours spent discovering Berlin and surroundings. You will find these tours in the dropdown-menu.
Lets see what 2017 has in store journey-wise.
Philosophy of this Blog
I hope this blog can give a glimpse into my past, present and future adventures. Besides being very happy memories for me, to which I like coming back to, I’d love you to find inspiration from my journeys, enjoy the description of the tours, view the photographs and hopefully learn from my many mistakes made during these tours. 😉
English – German / Deutsch – Englisch?
Parts of this Blog are written in English, parts in German. Some newer articles, such as my journey to the Nordkapp 2017 will be written in German. But on the right side I have installed a Google Translate button, which should auto-translate into English. It at least will be enough to get the gist of what is going on.
Teile dieses Blogs sind in Deutsch, andere wiederum in English verfasst. Die Nordkapp-Reise 2017 wird auf Deutsch verfasst, für ältere Beiträge auf Englisch gibt es in der rechten Spalte einen Google Translate Knopf, dieser sollte die Beiträge einigermaßen lesbar übersetzen.